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Thursday, April 28, 2016

ঘরে বসেই পারফেক্ট ‘মিষ্টি দই’ জমানোর সবচাইতে সহজ রেসিপি

একটু ভারী খাবারের পর দই খাওয়া অনেকেই পছন্দ করেন, বিশেষ করে মিষ্টি দই। এবং এটি স্বাস্থ্যের জন্য বেশ ভালো। ইচ্ছে হলে ঘরেই জমিয়ে ফেলতে পারেন দোকানের মতো সুস্বাদু ও পারফেক্ট মিষ্টি দই, খুব সহজেই। ভাবছেন কীভাবে?
✿- দুধ ১ লিটার
✿- ১ কাপ পানি
✿- চিনি ২০০ গ্রাম
✿- দইয়ের বীজ ২ টেবিল চামচ
✿- ১ টি মাটির পাত্র

দইয়ের বীজ তৈরির পদ্ধতি

দইয়ের বীজ দুভাবে নেয়া যায়
১) আগের দই থেকে ২ টেবিল চামচ সরিয়ে রাখুন।
২) ১ কাপ দুধে ১ কাপ পরিমাণে গুঁড়ো দুধ দিয়ে ভালো করে জ্বাল দিয়ে ক্ষীরসা তৈরি করে নিন। এটিই দইয়ের বীজ হিসেবে কাজ করবে।

দই জমানোর পদ্ধতি

একটি পাত্র দুধ নিয়ে এতে ১ কাপ পানি মিশিয়ে মাঝারি আঁচে জ্বাল দিতে থাকুন। দুধ জ্বাল দিয়ে অর্ধেক পরিমাণে হয়ে এলে এতে চিনি দিয়ে ভালো করে নেড়ে দিন। দুধ আরও ঘন হয়ে এলে চুলা থেকে নামিয়ে কিছুক্ষণ ঠাণ্ডা হতে দিন। আঙুল ডুবিয়ে দেখুন গরম সহ্য করা যায় কিনা। এই ধরণের গরম থাকতে দুধে দইয়ের বীজ দিয়ে ভালো করে নেড়ে মিশিয়ে নিন। এরপর মাটির পাত্রে ঢেলে ভারী মোটা কাপড় বা চটের কিছু দিয়ে ঢেকে অন্ধকার ও ঠাণ্ডা জায়গায় রেখে দিন ৬-৭ ঘণ্টা। ৬-৭ ঘণ্টার মধ্যে দই জমে যাবে। যদি ঠাণ্ডা দই খেতে চান তবে ফ্রিজে রেখে ঠাণ্ডা করুন। এরপর ফ্রিজ থেকে বের করে পরিবেশন করুন দোকানের মতোই সুস্বাদু ঘরে জমানো পারফেক্ট ‘মিষ্টি দই’।

Source : বিডি রমণী

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Top 10 French foods

1. Soupe à l'oignon

This is a traditional French soup made of onions and beef stock, usually served with croutons and cheese on top. Its origins can be traced back to Roman times. However, its current version originated in the 18th century. The remarkable taste of the soup is due to the caramelisation of the onions.
Top ten foods of France: traditional French foods to try

2. Wine
France is the place to find the most suitable wine for every palate - from white to rose, and red to champagne. You can drink French wine with your meal, with cheese or while sitting and enjoying the sun at a café. This drink can make you warm in the cold or enrich the taste of the exquisite French cuisine. 
Top ten foods of France: traditional French foods to try


3. Cheese
If you are up for experimenting and playing with your senses, order a serving of diverse French cheeses. These plates are usually served after the main course and before desert. In general, they consist of pressed, soft and blue cheeses. There is such a diversity of French cheeses, and just like French wine, there is something for every taste.
Top ten foods of France: traditional French foods to try

4. Boeuf bourguignon
This is a traditional French meal – a stew made of beef braised in red wine, beef broth and seasoned with garlic, onions, fresh herbs and mushrooms.
Top ten foods of France: traditional French foods to try

5. Chocolate souffle
A delicious dessert not to be missed! The crispy chocolate crust with a soft creamy chocolate filling make this sweet delight different than anything you will ever taste.

Top ten foods of France: traditional French foods to try


6. Flamiche
Flamiche means cake in Flemish and it originates from Northern France, near the border with Belgium. It is a pie crust filled with cheese and vegetables. The stuffing in the classic recipe is made of leeks. However, there is also a pizza-like version of the Flamiche which is without the top crust of the pie.
 Top ten foods of France: traditional French foods to tryTop ten foods of France: traditional French foods to try

7. Confit de canard

Duck confit is a tasty French meal made of duck legs. The preparation of the meat may take up to 36 hours! The duck meat is gently mixed with salt, garlic and thyme and left to absorb their aroma for more than a day. It is generally fried or grilled afterwards, and served with roasted potatoes and garlic on the side.

Top ten foods of France: traditional French foods to try

8. Salade nicoise
A typical French salad made of lettuce, fresh tomatoes, boiled eggs, canned tuna, Nicoise Cailletier olives and anchovies. It is a fresh starter for a lovely French lunch.

Top ten foods of France: traditional French foods to try

9. Ratatouille
Ratatouille can be served as a side dish, as a meal or as a stuffing for other dishes, such as crepes and omelettes. It is generally made in a shallow pan, on high heat, with a relatively small amount of fat. The ingredients consist of tomatoes, garlic, onions, zucchini, eggplant, carrots, bell peppers, basil, marjoram, thyme and other green herbs.

Top ten foods of France: traditional French foods to try

10. Tarte tatin

They say this apple pie was made by mistake in 1898 by Stephanie Tartin. She was trying to make a traditional apple pie. Fortunately, she accidentally left the apples in sugar and butter for far too long in the pan. In a hurry, trying to rescue the desert, she put the pastry base on top of the burning fruits and then placed the pan in the oven. The desert finished baking and the result – well, try it and you won’t regret it!
Top ten foods of France: traditional French foods to try

Sources - http://www.expatica.com/fr/insider-views/Top-10-French-foods-with-recipes_106720.html

Top 10 Must Eat Foods in Italy

Oh Italy. How stomachs love you, and hips despise you. You never leave tongues unsatisfied with your delicious dishes. This is what most people feel about Italian food, and we’re not talking about the generic, over-salted American-Italian food. We’re talking authentic, one-of-a-kind dishes that are unique in comparison to many Italian dishes we know and love. When traveling to Italy, avoid upsetting the Roman Gods and make sure you try at least one, or maybe all 10, of the yummiest dishes. Get ready to pick yourself up by your bootstraps, get walking and experience the best of ancient eating.
Pizza Margherita
Traditional Italian pizza is a thin crust, similar to baked pita taste and texture. Each family owned business features their special sauce, basil and mozzarella cheese. It sounds simple and boring, but trust thy Roman palate, the exquisite sauce and cheese combinations will make you believe that every fine pizza should be created, Roman style. So the next time the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, devour it.
There is no shortage of gelatarias in Italy, or flavors for that matter. In a cone or a cup, experience the true bliss of gelato. The texture is softer than ice cream and made with different ingredients. Southern Italy founded the dairy-free gelato (sorbets) where dairy based were created in Northern Italy. Whether you like fruit, nutella, nuts, or biscuits, you’ll find a gelato in almost every flavor.
Roman Meals
Also known as “Turista Menu” this four to five course menu varies at each restaurant. Usually the course starts with an antipasto (heavier appetizer), primo (pasta of your choice), secondo (meat with side dish), dolce (dessert) and/or a beverage. Prices range from 12 to 20 Euros. After stuffing yourself like a Roman god, you’ll be thankful walking is the main mode of transportation in Italy. You know what they say, “when in Rome.”
Like gelato, Tiramisu comes in all sizes and styles. Most are the traditional alternating layers of cake and cream, but some restaurants create the tiramisu in ice cream glasses, which feature bulk layers of cream and one thin layer of cake.
Pasta Carbonara
Known to be a creamy pasta in the states, the Italians omit the cream. The combination of egg, bacon, romano and white wine tossed together with rigatoni or spaghetti noodles is a must try while in Italy. It’ll have you hooked and disappointed at the American version.

Italian Coffee
Known as caffee, it’s actually a shot of espresso. Go to a “bar,” which serves traditional shots of Italian espresso. Milk lovers may order a cappuccino while black coffee sippers can order the dark and bold, Americana. Be prepared for small beverages while paying a hefty four to six euro per drink to sit and enjoy the coffee at the café.
Risotto is found in many cities, but a must try, popular dish in Venice. Seafood and mushroom risotto is a Venetian specialty. Look out for seasonal dishes such as spring or summer risotto, which adds in various herbs and seasonal veggies like asparagus.
Supposedly raviolis were created in the Roman era, but not traditional until the return of Marco Polo from China. Most popular raviolis are the ricotta and spinach, perfect for the veggie travel or those who do not enjoy animal delicatessen in their meals. Generally really filling, expect European sizes with anywhere from two to three raviolis per meal.
If you love thin slices of meat, prosciutto is an Italian favorite. It is either tossed in pasta or wrapped around cheese or melon. It is known to be the finest of Italian pork product, and freshest in the Emilia-Romagna region.
Gnocchi, the flour dumpling, are created in various flavors and styles. Vegetarians will enjoy the “pomodoro style,” sauce and cheese. Meat lovers can find a slab of fine meat on many menus throughout Italy.

Sources -https://www.pacsafe.com/blog/top-10-must-eat-foods-in-italy/